Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Sunday 10.11.2013

Warning: a combination of loads of work and short days can seriously damage your(walking)health........

However, made up for it a little at the weekend with five hours of yomping around in a damp, cold and quite awe-inspiring Glen Coe.

An adventure from the word go when a thunderstorm put out the electricity at our "hobbit houses"

but forewarned by other members of the party (who were rapidly running out of emergency supplies) we arrived with extra candles, crisps and enough whisky for a wee dram each which cheered everyone up no end.

The sound of rain on a hobbit house roof is quite musical but not what you`re hoping to wake up to when a clear sunny day has been forecast. It was pretty well unanimously decided that walking up Buchaille Etive Mor was a step too far, coated as it was in quite a lot of snow and hidden half the time in cloud.

Nothing for it then but to walk round it..........

Turned out to be a tale of river crossings,

some trickier than others,

and head-clearing landscape.

Five hours later we were back where we started, wet feet, tired legs and huge appetites, ready for an evening at the Clachaig Inn**, probably the only way to end a day like that.



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