Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Wednesday 17.10.2012

I should start on the 11 questions (see post Friday 5.10.2012)because finding the 11 blogs is going to be even harder.

1.Why blog?

2.What are you currently reading?

3.Would it bother you if you never travelled by air again?

4.What do you understand by the word politics?

5.If you could become really expert at a craft (or, if you are, expert at a new one) what would it be?

6. Similarly, if you had the chance to become fluent in another language which would you choose?

7.Someone says they used to read but they no longer have time: how do you respond?

8.What was the last film you saw and what did you think?

9. If you suddenly lost everything you own (stuff, not people or animals but including photos,mementoes and souvenirs)how big a trauma would it be?

10. Have you ever said yes when you should have said no and/or no when you should have said yes and were the consequences dire or did it all turn out alright in the end? (No need for embarrassing details!)

11. Faced with a task you`re not looking forward to (maybe even having to compile 11 questions!)are you a "let`s get it over and done with asap" sort of a person or could you procrastinate for Britain?

So there they are for general rumination: now I have to confess that finding 11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers is going to be hard because I only follow 2 or 3 blogs and don`t know my way round the blogger-sphere.

However - nothing like a challenge and who knows what delights are waiting to be discovered..........wonder how many blogs there are related to whisky....or chocolate.....or Inspector Montalbano.............

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