Friday, 5 October 2012

Friday 5.10.2012

Now I could unequivocally answer the question "Which is your favourite season?" Never mind all the ballyhoo of summer and winter or all that bustin` out all over stuff of Spring.
When Autumn`s like this it`s the best - calm and peaceful, sort of resigned - "Well, that`s that, did the best we could, now we can relax until April."
Strolled up the hill a little earlier than yesterday with time to go right round the woods; still a little warmth in the sun, poetry-inspiring cloudscapes and that autumn pungency in the air.
Tellingly though, the beasts had vanished from the field. Yesterday they`d skipped along beside us for a while as we walked home. Today they were gone. Now that is a sign of the year moving on.

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