Sunday, 14 October 2012

Sunday 14.10.2012

Elements wonderfully changeable just now, not sure what the dawn will bring.
Tuesday night brought a sharp frost which appeared to trigger an almost instant turn of the leaves to gold and crimson and start them clattering to the ground.
So walking along the cobbled streets of Old Aberdeen on the Wednesday - sharp, clear and sunny - involved a lot of scuffing through said leaves and deep gulps of the fresh air.

Then on Thursday we were getting "amber warnings" about impending monsoons so dogs and I scuttled out after work - gloomy and spitting rain at 6 o`clock - on the grounds that the apocalypse was due.
Never quite arrived of course, not this time, though it was sensationally wet on Friday. From the window at work it was possible to see adults bent nearly double against the deluge while children in wellies sloshed about quite happily - perhaps your wellies need to be pink to enjoy that sort of weather.
And I still don`t know what we`re supposed to do having been given an "amber warning".

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