Tuesday 19 April 2011

Tuesday 19.04.2011

Sped off for an hour round the woods this morning before the day escaped.
Bedlam out there: sheep and their lambs bleating non-stop,larks overhead, the still apparently solitary lapwing tumbling and `pee-witting` in an attempt to attract a mate from somewhere, cawing rooks, coo-ing wood pigeons, woodland birds still chorusing though it wasn`t that early and cackling pheasants.
Hazy and damp but mild, the air thick with the smell of earth and grass - and no doubt other scents I couldn`t detect but Dog certainly could, excitedly darting in and out of the trees until she was worn out and had to cool down in the stream.

The `expendable` energy theory (see post Sat 9/04/11) proved again because on my return baked bread, danced around a bit to Billy Joel and hoping to go on a tidying blitz in the garden.*
Mind you, probably be cream-crackered after work this evening.

Interesting book right now too: Risk by Dan Gardner, a Canadian writer, about why we fear what we fear and how we make choices - lots of psychological studies cited which after a while can become a bit repetitive but nevertheless gives pause for thought e.g.
"in the months following the September 11 attacks, as politicians and journalists worried endlessly about terrorism, anthrax and dirty bombs, people who fled airports to be safe from terrorism crashed and bled to death on America`s roads"

*No time for that last bit in the end but never mind: enjoyed the dancing, the bread was delicious and I`ve all day off tomorrow for garden blitzing.

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