Saturday 29 January 2011

Saturday 29.01.2011

Dogs are such forgiving creatures - or is it that they simply have `living in the moment` down to a fine art. She spent a boring morning in the car while I completed various errands but immediately leapt out full of unalloyed enthusiasm to walk up Oxen Craig this afternoon, no reproachful looks, no "what took you so long", simply a desire to get going. Which is infectious.
It was cold but not icy except for one or two patches. Curious sight of what looked like hundreds of tiny tadpoles wriggling down the path under the ice but in fact was brown melt water.
And although she`s currently sprawled in her bed fast asleep, if I suggested we go again right now Dog would be up in a flash and out of the door ahead of me. Uncomplicated. That`s the word.

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