Thursday, 3 December 2020

Thursday 3d December

 "Earth stood hard as iron,water like a stone": no "snow on snow" yet but some is forecast. Suffice to say that late this afternoon, up on the hill, under a cloudless but darkening sky, it was so cold and so still it wouldn`t  have been a surprise if the ground had started to splinter and crack.

At lunchtime, with the sun as high it was going to get for the day, it was a gorgeous sparkly landscape, the cold spurring us on to walk even faster than usual.

Frosty where the sun hadn`t penetrated,

frost-free where it had or under some of the trees.

The light enhanced it all as the sun began its descent, peeking between branches and casting long shadows.   

Meanwhile, the early mornings have been offering other delights: the slowly waning moon has been high in a clear sky an hour or so before the sun comes up and three days ago sported a perfect double rainbow ring. If that isn`t a portent for something it should be.

Given the forecast for wind, rain and maybe that snow overnight, might not linger up there for quite so long tomorrow morning............

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