Friday, 4 December 2020

Friday 4th December

 Always a bit of an ani-climax when snow is forecast and all we get is a light sprinkling of the white stuff, like icing sugar shaken out of a sieve.  No big dollops  and dramatic snowthunder that they`ve had further south.

By late morning it had all turned to water anyway......

and slush.

We went out anyway, partly because deluges were forecast for the afternoon but it was hard walking through the woods - slippy and ankle-turny, like walking through soft sand dunes, and by the time we turned for home, the legs were feeling it.

Nevertheless, good thing to have done: the lichen glowed in the gloomy light;

the trees were doing their full-on winter silhouette display;

with an Ent trying to look inconspicuous in amongst them.

A lot of rain for the rest of the day, puddles and reflections

and pretty dark by about half three.
The other side of autumn.

In other news...and your starter for ten: do worms like bananas? Or do bananas like worms?

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