Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Wednesday 3.10.2018

Yesterday was such a wonderfully wild day: strong,cold, blustery, gustery (?) wind all day but bright and sunny. We leaned into it on the way up the road, the metal gates clattering and emitting their mournful wail ("winter`s not far awaaaaaay"),the telephone wires joining in the chorus and the starlings wheeling and diving and swooping, obviously having the time of their lives (not to anthropomorphise of course.)

But in the woods it was all about the trees, swooshing about up high, creaking and groaning as the wind buffeted them and just beginning to put on their autumn colours.

Today a much wetter, gloomier, quieter day: less inviting but no less autumnal.
A book reading day in fact and everyone, everyone, should read this gem: picked it up on a whim in the library despite having an already overloaded TBR pile and read it in the space of 36 hours because couldn`t put it down. Poignant, inspiring, warm and funny.....and her picture makes her look like somebody you would like to know. :)

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