"Songs - that are used to attract mates and defend territories.
Calls - that are used to give alarm, maintain contact within a flock, beg for food, etc."
The sounds of geese overhead, and the sight, definitely signifies autumn
as does the squawk of the pheasants, ubiquitous now, scattered by Dog 2 (who seems able to smell them from a mile off), usually the male first all flashy colours and long tail with the brown female not far behind. They know she can`t catch them (they can fly!) and she knows it too but it`s a game they all seem to enjoy.
The weather fronts so beloved by meteorologists continue to chase each other across the country while the jet-stream curves this way and that, all of which results in the best feature of British weather, especially at this time of year - its changeability: in the morning nose-biting, still air and frost segueing into mild and blustery by the afternoon with apples tumbling off the trees and that rich scent of earth. Autumn - love it.
On a bare branch
A crow is perched -
Autumn evening”
― BashÅ
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