Tuesday 11 October 2011

Tuesday 11.10.2011

Cold, cold, cold. Suddenly possible to imagine snow, not right now (despite the prophets of ice-age doom in some of yesterday`s press)but the wind had a sharp edge to it this evening.
Walking-really-very-fast the only way to get the blood flowing after a relatively sedentary day. Dogs zig-zagged in and out of the trees, the pheasants springing up out of their way with that distinctive alarm call.
The beasts have vanished from the fields which is another landmark in the year.
By 7 o`clock the light had all but gone but the moon was up, on the other side of the sky from this morning, lighting our way home: Orion still in his bed though.
And it really works, walking like that, warms you from the inside out, your soul as well as your body - I`ve been glowing like a Ready-Brek kid ever since.

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