Tuesday 20 September 2011

Tuesday 20.09.2011

First talk of snow today - forecast for October they say!
No sign of it tonight but a certain valedictory something in the air: a cool breeze ruffling the grass and trees, somehow suggesting that it might soon be time to start battening down the hatches.

Still there`s that sense of being poised, like Janus, between seasons: a second cut of fresh green grass waits to be baled -

while in a neighbouring field it`s rows of straw -

with combines near and far thundering up and down as the light fades but the weather holds.

Briefly a grey crocodile sails across the sky........

.....we wander through a landscape of illuminated trees.....

....golden skies.....

...oh, and conveniently abandoned baths.

I was going to quote bits from the sainted Monsieur Daniel Pennac, (see post 30.08.2011)having managed, in the interim between posts and largely due to jaunts up and down the country on trains, to finish a second of his books and one of his recommended novels. For now, suffice to say that anyone who has anything to do with children and books, or just people and books for that matter, should put everything else down and read Rights of the Reader immediately, not to say urgently.

More, probably much more, later.

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