Sunday, 4 September 2011

Sunday 04.09.2011

Day off. Stunning September morn. What to do first? Chores? Walk? No contest.
Dew still on the grass though warm sun had dried it out by the time we turned for home.
Brief update on poultry:
- chickens fat and thriving,still laying an egg a day - hence the six-egg fruit cake I made yesterday
- ducks as nervous and ridiculous looking as ever

-geese, one-parent family, happy enough but sooner or later I`m going to have to try and find out what gender the young one is, a good deal easier written than done.........


  1. So enjoyed catching up on your blog. Why did I stay away so long? This is magic. Lovely photos and lots of old crone wisdoms to absorb. Well done and don't let the day job stop you posting regularly. Alison XX
