Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Wednesday 13.07.2011

Two or three hard days yakka in the garden and there`s less walking time: always forget tend to walk less in the summer than the winter. However scooted out tonight,
another clear, still - and chilly - evening, the sun on the western horizon casting long shadows and a pale,nearly full moon exactly opposite.
Watched the sun sinking and the moon starting to climb as we walked to the top of the road, though of course they`re neither of them doing any such thing but what`s actually happening is far too dizzying a thought to hold on to for long.

Assuming we don`t spin off into a black hole, away housesitting for five days from tomorrow, looking after two dogs with such short legs they may not want to walk too far.......but then that didn`t stop the Dachsund......(see post 24.09.2010)

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