Sunday, 17 July 2011

Sunday 17.07.2011

Two for the price of one today. So surprised to wake up to none of the forecast torrential rain and wind this morning that snuck out, leaving d-w-l-legs still asleep, and took a walk up Millstone Hill, it being only just up the road from here.
Worked its usual magic: the daunting steep steps at the bottom in the dark of the pine trees, then further up into dappled light and as diverse a display of sylvan delights as you could want. Lichen decorated birch saplings jostled with wild flowers and pale yellow fungi while ferns, grasses and heathers,sparkling with the dew, edged the narrow path.
Frankly any strange and mythical creature could have popped out in front of me and it would have seemed quite normal.
Then suddenly you`re above the tree line and seeing Mither Tap from a less familiar perspective and if it hadn`t been for d-w-l-legs would have kept going.
However, return I did and in the afternoon we took a stroll along the river bank, a full on summer`s day, cauliflower clouds in a blue sky, balmy breeze,the grain crop just starting to turn golden and more wild flowers (red campion, clovers, forget-me-nots,buttercups, wild geraniums, cow parsley,ladies bedstraw, rose-bay willow herb - and those were just the ones I thought I knew).
And in this neck of the woods, so to speak, there`s almost always a castle too.

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