Saturday, 23 July 2011

Saturday 23.07.2011

Fantastic on Mither Tap this afternoon: never mind blowing away the cobwebs, the wind up there took a few spiders with it as well, not to mention trying to tear out your lungs and then push you off the edge.

Despite the sea-like roar of thrashing trees overhead and the percussive accompaniment of clattering branches, the walk up was relatively calm, Dog,as ever,in an endless search for the perfect stick.

Didn`t linger on the summit (our descent was what I believe is known as wind-assisted) and we were soon down in the woods again.....and the search resumed.....

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Tuesday 19.07.2011

Back home yesterday after one more meander through the woods with d-w-l-legs.
So after all that gentility what a relief to stride up the road today with Dog, both of us quickly soaked by combination of wet grass and occasional showers but she didn`t seem to mind anymore than I did.
Woods completely untended this summer so it`s a real jungle out there.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Sunday 17.07.2011

Two for the price of one today. So surprised to wake up to none of the forecast torrential rain and wind this morning that snuck out, leaving d-w-l-legs still asleep, and took a walk up Millstone Hill, it being only just up the road from here.
Worked its usual magic: the daunting steep steps at the bottom in the dark of the pine trees, then further up into dappled light and as diverse a display of sylvan delights as you could want. Lichen decorated birch saplings jostled with wild flowers and pale yellow fungi while ferns, grasses and heathers,sparkling with the dew, edged the narrow path.
Frankly any strange and mythical creature could have popped out in front of me and it would have seemed quite normal.
Then suddenly you`re above the tree line and seeing Mither Tap from a less familiar perspective and if it hadn`t been for d-w-l-legs would have kept going.
However, return I did and in the afternoon we took a stroll along the river bank, a full on summer`s day, cauliflower clouds in a blue sky, balmy breeze,the grain crop just starting to turn golden and more wild flowers (red campion, clovers, forget-me-nots,buttercups, wild geraniums, cow parsley,ladies bedstraw, rose-bay willow herb - and those were just the ones I thought I knew).
And in this neck of the woods, so to speak, there`s almost always a castle too.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Friday 15.07.2011

Dogs-with-little-legs do like to walk as long as it is:
1. Off the lead
2. Not too fast
3. Not too far
So yesterday we walked in woods along the banks of the Don and they skidaddled hither and thither, apparently oblivious to the Ents all around us.
Seemed kinder to leave them at home for a couple of hours this afternoon for an expedition up Oxen Craig with different dogs - two also quite small and one,well,bigger.
More Ents here too, and a very pretty bridge.
Dogs-with-little-legs weren`t upset at having been left and we did another river bank stroll when I got back so everyone was happy.
They are very little though.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Wednesday 13.07.2011 (Part 2)

Just been out for a last slug hunt round the newly planted cabbage plants before bed (where are they all this year: lurking in the undergrowth waiting for me to go away for the weekend?)and the moon is sailing solo now, a white disc in an indigo sky, with an owl hooting eerily in the distance.
Why`s there no yurt when you need one?

Wednesday 13.07.2011

Two or three hard days yakka in the garden and there`s less walking time: always forget tend to walk less in the summer than the winter. However scooted out tonight,
another clear, still - and chilly - evening, the sun on the western horizon casting long shadows and a pale,nearly full moon exactly opposite.
Watched the sun sinking and the moon starting to climb as we walked to the top of the road, though of course they`re neither of them doing any such thing but what`s actually happening is far too dizzying a thought to hold on to for long.

Assuming we don`t spin off into a black hole, away housesitting for five days from tomorrow, looking after two dogs with such short legs they may not want to walk too far.......but then that didn`t stop the Dachsund......(see post 24.09.2010)

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Thursday 07.07.2011

Stunning summer night, all golds and greens as we scrambled across the fields about 9-ish with the sun still well up and a fresh breeze stirring the trees.

Cow parsley and forget-me-nots, buttercups and clover and swathes of those beautiful purple grasses underfoot with the swallows and martins continuing to swoop over our heads as the light slowly diminished. And at the last a fiery coloured young fox bolting across a field away from us.Could have walked to Inverness....if I`d thought there`d still have been a pub open by the time I got there.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Wednesday 06.07.2011

Waited all day for the threatened deluges which never really arrived: bit of gardening, bit of baking, then suddenly a power cut so set off for a walk..........and then down came the rain ........
Very pretty in the grey though, the vetches and creamy elderflowers.

Not cold either. Walking in warm(ish) rain has its pleasures: we kept to the road and just scampered up and over the hill and back again, dripping wet but braced up.
Skies cleared this evening but by then power was back on so baking to finish...and a small matter of a wine tasting.............
and there may be blackcurrants to pick this weekend, just as last year`s jam is running out.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Friday 01.07.2011

Dog away for a sleepover,missing out on the long journey south tomorrow for family nuptials on Sunday.
She and I had one last tramp round the woods yesterday evening, setting off at around quarter to ten in the brightness of a clear Scottish summer night.
Fresh, cool air, the grasses, cow parsley - and nettles - shoulder height in places making for hard going and soaking our feet and legs.

Some of the grasses have taken on that beautiful purple hue: one day I`ll get round to identifying them all.

Swallows and martins swooped over our heads while the evening chorus of songbirds echoed across the trees at first, gradually diminishing as the light began to go and the bats emerged to take over the insect hunt.