Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Wednesday 15.06.2011

Tranquil in the woods this evening: no stampeding deer and plenty good cloudscapes.
Warm, still and quite close, the bird song resonating and moths beginning to flutter through the long grasses.
Nobody throwing stones at me though - or shouting at me to stop.......stark contrast to Mark Thomas`s Extreme Rambling along the wall between Israel and the West Bank.
Went to see him at Woodend Barn last night: highly recommended - both his book and his show.

So "to the South", as the song goes, away for a few days on family duties.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! I have (as you know) been a tad too busy to enjoy reading blogs recently but glad to dip into this again. Lovely posts. More please if you have time (!) before travelling south again. All my sisterly love. Alison XX
