Sunday, 12 June 2011

Sunday 12.06.2011

Life`s full of surpises. This morning dog and I were nearly trampled to death by two stampeding deer. Well, not really. But they did tear towards us before swerving away and galloping off, one up and over the hill and the other disconsolately barking at it to come back. Never knew deer barked.
Otherwise a bright June morning, standard issue blue sky, fluffy clouds, birds, bees and butterflies.
Cow parsley up to elbow height, the wild raspberries over our heads and much dappled shade and greenery.

And finally -an excerpt from the sainted Frank`s latest CD*:

"Not everyone grows up to be an astronaut,
Not everyone was born to be a king,
Not everyone can be
Freddy Mercury,
but everyone can raise a glass and sing.

Well I haven`t always been a perfect person, and
I haven`t done what Mum and Dad had dreamed,
but on the day I die
I`ll say `At least I f*****g tried`
And that`s the only eulogy I need."


*England Keep My Bones

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