Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Tuesday 08.02.2011 (by 18 minutes)

What was that about tempting fate? Woke up to snow this morning and had to be in Aberdeen most of the day so driving in wasn`t much fun.
But, take your walks where you can, so parked up at work and walked into the city centre, a good twenty minute trot down.
Must have covered a few more miles around and about (including buying a ticket to see Mark Steel next month - hooray) and then back up the hill to work.
It may not have the obvious attractions of the country but there`s always a buzz about a city which in its own way can be invigorating.
Back late tonight under starlit skies on very icy roads but at least no snow.


  1. When are you going to get that camera mended? Your prose style is exemplary but I am missing the photographs.

  2. Ay, so am I. It has something to do with money. Don`t have a spare one lying around do you? xx
