Harbingers of Spring:a sun with some warmth in it; a lark suspended invisibly miles up singing its heart out; snowdrops; busy crows in `Edmond`s Copse`**; melting snow pouring off the fields; a happy dog chasing her tail for the sheer joy of it......the thing about weather is that there`s always something happening and nothing stays the same. Bit like life really.
** "Edmond strode on down the hill, hoping that his friends the crows would talk to him when he got to the copse.
"They didn`t let him down. They had seen him coming and he had barely got under the branches of the trees when they came swarming out of their nests, calling, `Cor,cor,cor,`as they came."
(Edmond Went Far Away by Martin Bax and illustrated by the brilliant Michael Foreman.)
I will try not to let this blog degenerate into constant recommendations of books and films. I will fail.
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