Monday, 15 February 2010

Monday 15.02.2010

Had intended going to the cinema before work today but it turned into such a beautiful morning that dog and I went walking. Brilliant, almost warm sunshine, spectacular clouds, snow skirting the fields and edging the road and lots of running water: a sparkly day.
Back home, hopped in the shower, belting out Holding Out For A Hero along with Bonnie Tyler, then dried off with a quick bop to the Foo Fighters and ate my lunch with Flogging Molly advising me to keep my boat afloat. Bliss.
When I receive my e-card from King William and am asked the secret of my longevity, (or longlevity as a friend once described it, a state to which I aspire even more) I shall reply:
1.Dance and sing wherever and whenever possible providing you`re not frightening the horses.
2.Never forego the opportunity to go to the loo.
3.Never pass up the chance to go for a walk.
Even if Colin Firth has to wait.

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