Thursday, 31 October 2024

Thursday 31/10/2024

 Clocks back on Sunday and yesterday afternoon it felt like the world was settling down, easing back, ready for long dark nights ( when we`re supposed to have time for jigsaw puzzles and long classic novels). It was mild, the air was still and rich with autumn scents, the sky a kaleidoscope of greys and blues, yellows and white but nothing moving apart  from the sun moving slowly towards the horizon, the light diffusing as it did so.

Today, woke up to more beautiful colours but in contrast the wind was stirring things up, sending the leaves whirling down and around as we yomped through the woods this morning, some of the trees almost completely bare quite suddenly. 

Then a final tramp up on our back field as it all came to a stunning finale: the sun slowly descending, creamy low-flying clouds tinged with gold spreading across the sky and, almost incongruously, a thin line of jagged black clouds sitting angrily on the horizon. A strong but strangely mild wind swirled around us and as the gold gradually turned a vivid scarlet, it would have been no surprise to see the hag on her broomstick silhouetted against the sky as she made her rounds this Hallowe`en. Back indoors the appropriate measures had been taken, just in case.

On Tuesday took another walk up Bennachie, Oxen Craig this time though I`d forgotten just how many steps there are on that route which is a lot harder than shuffling up. Still, a good view of Mither Tap as you pause for breath and it was a perfect day.
When I came down I found the picnic spot where there`d once been a significant birthday party with lots of family and friends. Empty this time and with plenty of time before I had to get to work (hence no canine company which always feels a bit strange) I sat in the sun and watched the leaves floating to the ground.Privileged moments.


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