Monday, 4 March 2024

Monday 04/03/2024

 Many signs of Spring on the way but few can be better than the first cool, still, early evening walks. Only a relatively short one last night but it smelt of Spring somehow. The sunset was spectacular, the birds were getting into top gear and the optimism in the air was tangible. 

But Spring rarely arrives overnight and there`s been a lot of two steps forward, one step back. Promises dashed and then tantalisingly proffered again:  grey, damp chilly days that seem to go on forever only to be followed by bright blue skies, warm sun and long shadows which turn overnight into wild winds and sleet.  The joys. 

There was a walk up Bennachie on a day so windy we were in danger of being blown off the top, though the walk up among the trees was deceptively calm. Longer circuits from home in the snow (am in "training" 😜 for another long distance walk of which more in a while), days where deep frost was  melted in the sun but hung on all day in the shade. 

Meanwhile there`s definitely something in the air as much dostadning* has been taking place, the only danger of taking lots of things to the charity shops being that it`s possible to end up buying stuff you really don`t need which sort of defeats the purpose. This though I justified as being cheerfully Spring like - also I do love a jug. 


*Swedish Death Cleaning: supposed to be about decluttering your life to "ease the burden" for the ones you leave behind. In this case not planning an imminent death (🤞)  but just because STUFF does my  head in - jugs notwithstanding obvs.

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