Tuesday, 2 January 2024


 Forgot - Happy Hogmany!

My "resolutions" remain essentially the same:                     

1.Read more books

2.Plant more trees

3.Drink only good coffee

4.Swim in the sea whenever you can

5.Walk frequently

6.Strive to see live music regularly

7.Watch films

8.Use your local library

9.Read more books

10. Don`t sweat the small stuff

Might just tweak it a bit: did swim in the sea this year but not enough because it`s an hour`s drive away - so swim in a pool if you can`t get to the sea. 

And I`ve come across an excellent way of reframing resolution number 10 from a book* daughter No.1 gave me for Christmas in which it is suggested we might rearrange life`s priorities "by trivializing life`s trivia". Quite.

In the same passage we are encouraged to choose NOT to do the things we really do not want to do which I find gets easier the older I get. 😉

Here`s to 2024. 👍 

*Staring at the Sun Irvin D. Yalomi  Highly recommended for anyone contemplating life`s ephemerality, a particular hazard at this time of year perhaps. The contemplation that is, not the etc etc...😀



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