Sunday 24 December 2023

Sunday 24.12.2023 Christmas Eve

Very strong cold wind, bright blue sky.

A particular kind of winter`s day to which the pictures really can`t do justice because it was all about the sounds of the wind making its presence felt. In the woods it was either a surging sea, as the tops of the evergreen conifers thrashed backwards and forwards or a huge roar as it gusted through the bare branches of the softwoods, scattering branches and twigs.
It was squelchy underfoot, the legacy of yesterday morning`s brief but quite heavy snowfall which  during the day turned to rain, leaving mud pools and patches of mushy snow.
Later, as the very nearly full moon rose casting long shadows and the first few stars appeared in a clear cobalt sky, we bowled, or were bowled, around the top field, the wind still raging around us, the lights in the distance dancing and shimmering, the last few cars on the road at the bottom of the hill scuttling home.
Dramatic and invigorating - which is not to say it wasn`t nice to get back indoors and in front of the fire!

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