Friday, 9 April 2021

Friday 9.4.2021

 Barmy times, barmy weather. We`ve walked in warm sun, blizzards, rain - sometimes all in the same hour.

Yesterday in defiance of forecasts and gathering cloud we set off in the afternoon, into the teeth of an ice-cream-headache-inducing wind which was tempered a little in the woods, and came back predictably a little damper than when we`d started out - the forecast correct on this occasion.

Today that same heart attack wind still tried to blow us back down the road as we headed out mid-morning but at least the sky was a cheerful blue and the clouds were scudding overhead too fast to stop and drop anything on us. 

Once in the woods it was peaceful and warm in the sun: yesterday there had been more grass than snow, this morning there was once again a light dusting of the stuff from overnight showers.

And it was shapes that caught the eye this morning: curves, 

more curves............


and straightlines. 

Sun still shining as we returned but there have been blizzards this afternoon: all it`s possible to predict at the moment is the unpredictability.

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