Friday, 26 February 2021

Friday 26.2.2021

Weather: changeable

Terrain: shifting

Walks: various

Mountains of snow, catkins, blizzards, dawn chorus, knee-deep drifts, snowdrops.......... Is it still deep winter or are there signs of spring?  Er, yes to both of those.

This morning was definitely spring though.  The sun emerged just as we hit the woods and it seemed like there was an explosion of bird song to match. The grass had been completely flattened by the now more or less departed snow - it almost looked like it had been mowed - but it was certainly nice to have firm ground underfoot once more.

The large hills of snow which, last week, had us clambering over fences to get out and avoid sinking up to our knees,

 have been slowly disappearing over the last few days

and today were shadows, or blobs, of their former selves 

The day got better and better, warm sun, blue skies and then my neighbour phoned and said "Shall we take a turn round the woods?  And we did. And we kept pausing just to say "isn`t this wonderful", turning our faces to the sun while the dog scampered around unable to believe her luck........and the forecast is suggesting the weekend might be the same.......

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