Such changing fortunes with the weather. Blowing an impossible hooley out there just now. Very little extra snow since Thursday but what there is is swirling and drifting: chest high drifts in places, beautiful snow sculptures, completely impossible to keep clear while the wind blows, which it is set to continue doing for at least another day, so we are stuck! Or at least there will be no vehicles through.
So different to the two days before which were quite exquisite, frozen snow, not a breath of air, sunshine and blue skies.
A morning walk on Tuesday took us round the woods, past glittering expanses of untouched snow,
once more through Narnia.
Then back down the road (with visiting hound), glad to be back on (more or less) solid ground after the exertions of wading through drifts.
Which is why, the next morning, up before sunrise to see off visiting hound and her owner, the idea of wading through all that stuff again didn`t appeal. But it was too good a morning to waste. so as the sky slowly turned a peachy pink we kept walking, past the woods and staying on the road, watching as the sun slowly rose above the horizon.

For a while, shaded from the rising sun, it was shapes and silhouettes
but then we emerged into the full sun and marched our way home - such a pleasure to stride out on firm(ish) ground. And everywhere you looked- just stunning.
Then overnight the wind sprang up and the lying snow set about spinning and sculpting into impassable drifts and exotic shapes and swirls....and we are completely cut off.
Coffee and whisky supplies are plentiful, the wind continues to howl round the house like a banshee and it is only possible to marvel at the ferocity and be grateful for our fire, food and shelter.