Saturday, 17 October 2020

Saturday 17.10.20

 Another morning in the cloud.  This time of year never quite sure what the day will bring, forecasts notwithstanding. 

Thursday for example started off as grey as the preceding and following days but by the time we set off for the woods in the afternoon the sun had snuck out from behind the cloud and briefly lit up the world: slanting shadows across still green grass and trees on the turn.

Since then though it`s been grey, still and damp - but not cold. If the sun was out the hundreds of spider`s webs which always seem to be a feature of autumn would be shimmering and glittering(are they there all year round and we just can`t see them or are the spiders particularly busy at this time of year?)  As it is they glimmer through the gloom like so many little net baskets.

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