Saturday, 4 July 2020

Saturday 4.07.2020

Weather so unpredictable, easy to get it wrong or at least be taken by surprise

So on Tuesday it rained all morning but by lunchtime it appeared to be taking a pause. So decided to go for it anyway, well protected just in case of further down pours: heavy duty raincoat, waterproof over-trousers, several layers underneath, the works.

Halfway up the road the sun emerged, the clouds lifted,the temperature rose and tendrils of steam began to spiral upwards from the road surface. Tropical!
Waterproofs were swiftly deposited at the edge of the woods but the long grass was still so wet we took the road less travelled instead and embarked on a circuit that took us round by the `grumpy farmer`s` farm and back via `dead fox junction`. (Local nomenclature 😊)

It`s about a 7 mile circuit but on a whim we took a detour to check out the local windfarm which we haven`t done since it first opened about fifteen years ago. Serendipity won again: we strolled up a track for about a mile, nearing the turbines which were turning quite gently in the nearly still air.

Sometimes, as they loomed closer but behind trees, they felt slightly threatening -the result, no doubt of watching too many of the kind of films where the woods hold something sinister and dangerous!

On the other hand might have been really dangerous if it had been a winter`s day!

Looking back as we left they had become harmless landmarks again

and we strolled the rest of the way, admiring the roadside flowers

and remembering to pick up the waterproofs on the way back.

Since then the walks have been in sun and rain,under dripping trees, the grasses still showing off but on the turn and the lacy cow parsley, giving off its uniquely pungent scent in the humid air.

You could almost think we were approaching high summer.

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