Ok, I admit it, yesterday was lovely: still and warm in the sun in the afternoon when we set off on a slow meander up to the woods which were a shimmering green.
The sky was blue,
the spring flowers beginning to emerge cautiously
and the birds giving it their all. It was warm enough in the heart of the woods where the woodpecker hangs out to sit still
for half an hour, to soak up that sun and (I`d come prepared) even to read for a little while.
We wandered back eventually, feeling calm and sun-drenched, warm and ever so slightly giddy with it all.
So it was something of a surprise to open the door early this morning to feed the birds and take the dogs on their first outing up
on our hill, to be greeted by grey cloud and cool air..... and to feel relieved!
No vivid, blameless blue sky, no relentless sun, shouting at us to get out and do stuff. We raced round at a brisk trot...it really was cooler.....back in and lit the fire! Yay!
Then even better it started to rain....just a gentle "shoore"...but just the job for the new veggie garden (not my doing I hasten to add) and an excuse for more coffee and getting on with my book.
It`s brightening up a bit now but I think we`re set for showers on and off all day so....relax...and I`m off to make some nice warming soup. :)
Sunday, 26 April 2020
Friday, 24 April 2020
Friday 24.04.2020
This continuing gorgeous Spring weather is beginning to feel as.....unusual....as the state of the world in general just now.
Not so much "the droghte of Marche" as the "droghte" of "Aprille"....we shall need those "shoores soote" for the garden soon.
Anyway, it cried out for another early morning walk into the woods where the birds were in full throat,the grass was sparkling with last night`s frost and the sun cast long shadows.
Back not long after eight.....we`re heading for another dry, warm day to make the most of and, if last night is anything to go by, a beautiful clear evening - enhanced at the moment, as it gets darker,with Venus (I think), very bright in the Western sky.
Not so much "the droghte of Marche" as the "droghte" of "Aprille"....we shall need those "shoores soote" for the garden soon.
Anyway, it cried out for another early morning walk into the woods where the birds were in full throat,the grass was sparkling with last night`s frost and the sun cast long shadows.
Back not long after eight.....we`re heading for another dry, warm day to make the most of and, if last night is anything to go by, a beautiful clear evening - enhanced at the moment, as it gets darker,with Venus (I think), very bright in the Western sky.
Monday, 20 April 2020
Monday 20.04.2020
Sunday, 19 April 2020
Sunday 19.04.2020
Cloud banked up along the horizon in an otherwise clear blue sky as younger dog and I had another early morning canter. Icy air on that pesky easterly wind meant full paraphernalia (jacket, sweater, hats and gloves) needed at first but could be discarded once in the woods.
And despite the cold everything is beginning to come back to life, the green of new growth dazzling
and that special early morning light casting long beautiful shadows.
Fire lit when I got back and, it being Sunday (any excuse), went for the full bacon and egg, mushrooms and tomato extravaganza with plenty of coffee. Another advantage of the early morning walk is there`s zero guilt about a big breakfast.
And despite the cold everything is beginning to come back to life, the green of new growth dazzling
and that special early morning light casting long beautiful shadows.
Fire lit when I got back and, it being Sunday (any excuse), went for the full bacon and egg, mushrooms and tomato extravaganza with plenty of coffee. Another advantage of the early morning walk is there`s zero guilt about a big breakfast.
Friday, 17 April 2020
Friday 17.04.2020
Think we may already have had the best of the day. The early morning mist, as we beat the bounds first thing, had decorated the fences and trees and grasses in diamonds so, having ushered old dog back indoors, me and younger dog kept going up and into the woods.
Not a soul about, birds in full throat - amplified by the mist - and that sense of spring promise in the cool fresh air.
Aware that we are well insulated from the carnage currently taking place in more densely populated parts of the country just now so blessings duly counted we were back for that first important cup of coffee not long after eight.
If the sun burns off this mist, which is lingering as I write, it will be a warm day, if not, the fire may have to be lit - either way the day awaits.........
Not a soul about, birds in full throat - amplified by the mist - and that sense of spring promise in the cool fresh air.
Aware that we are well insulated from the carnage currently taking place in more densely populated parts of the country just now so blessings duly counted we were back for that first important cup of coffee not long after eight.
If the sun burns off this mist, which is lingering as I write, it will be a warm day, if not, the fire may have to be lit - either way the day awaits.........
Saturday, 11 April 2020
Saturday 11.04.2020 (2)
Saturday 11.04.2020
As if to nay-say the remarks about cold winds, yesterday afternoon turned still and sunny and by the time we were in the woods the clouds were banking up and it had turned warm and close.
Glad to be able to confirm that the Easter Bunny is indeed an essential worker (thank you Jacinda Ardern: https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-easter-bunny-and-tooth-fairy-essential-workers-says-new-zealand-pm-11969298)and has managed to make his (her?) deliveries in our woods:

Later, as younger dog and I took a final turn round the top field it was a beautiful hazy evening, there were more skylarks than the sky seemed to have room for -one even deigned to pose for a photo opp-
and though the air was evening-fresh it was possible to sit for a while and watch the sun heading towards the horizon. Even younger dog decided to have a quiet moment instead of trying to deal death and destruction to little furry animals.
This random pile of rocks has always been a good place to perch and watch the world turning round
but feel even luckier to have it just now.
And then this morning.......up and round the tops with both dogs but such a splendid scented spring morning (and with forecasts of increasing cool winds again), Yoga was postponed - Saturday see? - change of routine - :) as younger dog and I did that early morning canter around the woods - lapwings and oyster catchers over the fields, an assortment of smaller birds in full throat in the woods themselves - and were back home for coffee and one of those Hot Cross Buns made yesterday: they actually turned into (massive) Hot Cross Cherry Scones due to the unavailability of the conventional ingredients but were delicious anyway - lightly toasted with some very good marmalade lathered on. Yum. :)
Glad to be able to confirm that the Easter Bunny is indeed an essential worker (thank you Jacinda Ardern: https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-easter-bunny-and-tooth-fairy-essential-workers-says-new-zealand-pm-11969298)and has managed to make his (her?) deliveries in our woods:
Later, as younger dog and I took a final turn round the top field it was a beautiful hazy evening, there were more skylarks than the sky seemed to have room for -one even deigned to pose for a photo opp-
and though the air was evening-fresh it was possible to sit for a while and watch the sun heading towards the horizon. Even younger dog decided to have a quiet moment instead of trying to deal death and destruction to little furry animals.
This random pile of rocks has always been a good place to perch and watch the world turning round
but feel even luckier to have it just now.
And then this morning.......up and round the tops with both dogs but such a splendid scented spring morning (and with forecasts of increasing cool winds again), Yoga was postponed - Saturday see? - change of routine - :) as younger dog and I did that early morning canter around the woods - lapwings and oyster catchers over the fields, an assortment of smaller birds in full throat in the woods themselves - and were back home for coffee and one of those Hot Cross Buns made yesterday: they actually turned into (massive) Hot Cross Cherry Scones due to the unavailability of the conventional ingredients but were delicious anyway - lightly toasted with some very good marmalade lathered on. Yum. :)
Friday, 10 April 2020
Friday 10.04.2020
Ten days into the month - is that a sign that in "lockdown" the hours all merge into one amorphous unreality? No, not really.
Aim for variety with just a little bit of structure built in to mark the days. Most mornings early round the bounds with the dogs; a stretch of yoga (try www.yogawithadriene.com very unpretentious user friendly stuff), first coffee and then......
-long walk
-longer walk
-letter/postcard writing
-the day usually ending with a last walk round the bounds before supper........
..............and so on and so on.......but in any order for any length of time as the weather and the mood dictate....actually a massive luxury, all the while counting blessings for the fresh air and space up here on the hill.
And the "markers" are Wednesdays, which have become our shopping-for-oldies day, and the "weekend", in this situation an entirely arbitrary choice of Saturday & Sunday but habits die hard so truthfully not doing much different but perhaps a bit more Twitter, box sets, podcasts and guilt free pottering.......
Talking of which, here`s an enormously sensible take on how to deal with this bizarre situation........
https://www.chronicle.com/article/Why-You-Should-Ignore-All-That/248366 Guilt, you see, is a complete waste of energy.
And yesterday found another activity to add to the list as I reconnected with my inner 13 year old and went for a bike ride. Don`t do it often enough, always forget how enjoyable it is, exercising the legs up the hills and whizzing down them......and there`s a refreshing change of scene as well.
Went "round the block" for about 7 miles, no doubt breaking lots of the current "rules" but as I was only passed by 2 tractors and saw no-one else at all, not expecting to get my collar felt just yet.
Meanwhile the unifying factor across the last ten days or so has been the wind. It seems that whichever direction it came from it was.....well, chilly at the least, absolutely baltic and blowing hard at its worst, sun or no sun. but it means that taking walks - long -or longer - in changeable conditions and at different times of the day has been a sure way of introducing a bit of variety. It`s surprising how the sun being in a different part of the sky casting shadows in unfamiliar places, can alter perceptions and awareness.

OK, so here`s a chance to change the routine: a few hot cross buns...and I must check my sauerkraut. :)
Aim for variety with just a little bit of structure built in to mark the days. Most mornings early round the bounds with the dogs; a stretch of yoga (try www.yogawithadriene.com very unpretentious user friendly stuff), first coffee and then......
-long walk
-longer walk
-letter/postcard writing
-the day usually ending with a last walk round the bounds before supper........
..............and so on and so on.......but in any order for any length of time as the weather and the mood dictate....actually a massive luxury, all the while counting blessings for the fresh air and space up here on the hill.
And the "markers" are Wednesdays, which have become our shopping-for-oldies day, and the "weekend", in this situation an entirely arbitrary choice of Saturday & Sunday but habits die hard so truthfully not doing much different but perhaps a bit more Twitter, box sets, podcasts and guilt free pottering.......
Talking of which, here`s an enormously sensible take on how to deal with this bizarre situation........
https://www.chronicle.com/article/Why-You-Should-Ignore-All-That/248366 Guilt, you see, is a complete waste of energy.
And yesterday found another activity to add to the list as I reconnected with my inner 13 year old and went for a bike ride. Don`t do it often enough, always forget how enjoyable it is, exercising the legs up the hills and whizzing down them......and there`s a refreshing change of scene as well.
Went "round the block" for about 7 miles, no doubt breaking lots of the current "rules" but as I was only passed by 2 tractors and saw no-one else at all, not expecting to get my collar felt just yet.
Meanwhile the unifying factor across the last ten days or so has been the wind. It seems that whichever direction it came from it was.....well, chilly at the least, absolutely baltic and blowing hard at its worst, sun or no sun. but it means that taking walks - long -or longer - in changeable conditions and at different times of the day has been a sure way of introducing a bit of variety. It`s surprising how the sun being in a different part of the sky casting shadows in unfamiliar places, can alter perceptions and awareness.
OK, so here`s a chance to change the routine: a few hot cross buns...and I must check my sauerkraut. :)
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