Sunday, 23 February 2020

Sunday 23.02.2020

After the fleshpots of Glasgow - not to mention the torrentials - of which more in a bit, this morning on Bennachie rebooted the system.

Blowing a hooley but clear and bright. The path up from Rowantree afforded some shelter at first

but once out in the open we were at the mercy of the wind, the force of which increased as we neared the top of Mither Tap, the remains of yesterday`s sleet showers frozen into the rocks so at times it felt like we were climbing a stairway to heaven (cue song).

Nearly blown away at the top but keeping our heads down we managed a few pics

before heading down, fireside and a wee dram beckoning.

Couldn`t have been more different to Glasgow weatherwise which was wind and rain of Noah`s Ark proportions but nevertheless we enjoyed:
- an excellent gig at the 02Academy viz: Noble Jacks (a revelation) & The Dead South (brilliant and funny)

- a visit to the Glasgow Print Studio to see an exhibition about Alasdair Gray, to discover for the first time (for me) photographer Oscar Marzaroli plus a tour of the Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre where we arrived just in time for one of their shows - weird and wonderful.

- a brief call in at GoMA (The Gallery of Modern Art)

- various food/coffee/alcohol stops including The Scotia pub,The Glasvegan, Cafe Gandolfi and, as a finale,Sarti on Renfield Street
for the best Spaghetti Carbonara I have ever eaten.

In between, much conversation, discussion and random encounters with one of our company`s long lost friends.

All in all a weekend well spent. :)

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