Wednesday, 1 January 2020


Early up on the hill this Christmas morning,grey with a hint of sunrise but so mild and still and quiet it`s difficult not to think we`re in for a severe spell of weather into the New Year just to make up for it.
By the time we set off for the woods later in the morning the sun was up casting long winter shadows and the birds were skittering about as if it were Spring.

Nature had decorated the trees especially for the festivities

and we took our time relishing the fresh air...and the fact that Christmas lunch was not our responsibility. :)

Turned out absolutely delicious, of course - venison casserole in a chocolate sauce - followed by the smallest pudding in the world, everything accompanied by all the extras the day demands.

(I should point out perhaps that the plate was a very small one.........)

Grabbed the chance to take another walk up the hill in the gloaming (I had done most of the washing up!)

then an evening spent watching films - Klaus followed by the 3 hour epic which is The Irishman....both very good in their own way.....and so another Christmas day slips away.....

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