Monday, 23 September 2019

Monday 23.9.2019

Autumn equinox. The weatherman just announced rather dolefully that "the sun has now sunk into the southern hemisphere". There was no sign of it first thing this morning - dreich (wonderfully descriptive word) but mild. We were shrouded in cloud which made yesterday`s trip up Oxen Craig seem timely although in fact by the time we got to the top the cloud had blown in on a brisk wind and the sun was already fading away.

It was completely different in the surrounding woodland, remarkably peaceful and mild and still very green.

We sauntered rather than strode, going at old-dog`s pace (although I noticed she came down the hill at a brisker trot) but that meant more pauses to take in the view that was available before we got up into the cloud.

Back down in the woods, watched over by the trees,

and with old-dog pausing to sniff every blade of grass the thought came that walking-a-bit-more slowly does no harm every now and again.

(And have just noticed the cloud`s cleared and the sun has made it. Reassuring. Maybe beat the bounds later.)


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