The general lushness of our woods just now was especially noticeable after three days away on the other side of the country. Mountains, moorland and the "cnocs and lochans" of Sutherland. It is the most extraordinary landscape, a geologists dream, described as
"a glacially-scoured lowland area which displays alternating roches moutonnées (cnoc: a small rock hill in Gaelic) and eroded hollows often containing small lakes (lochans)".
We`d thought to do some scrambling, possibly stopping at Stac Pollaidh but while the informative sign showed what it might look like on a good day
our view of it wasn`t quite so exciting.
Nevertheless we walked a little way up the midge-infested path, taking in a view or two as we emerged from the trees
but then scuttling back to the car and driving on.
So it was to be a low-level few days but none the worse for that: a beautifully situated campsite at Clachtoll*, a fascinating Broch to explore **,the long walk into Sandwood Bay *** (into the teeth of the freezing northerly wind which was a key feature of our stay),the discovery of the rather wonderful pies at Lochinver Larder **** and a visit to Highland Stoneware ***** which is a business with a sense of humour as well as some very collectable pottery.
And next week, gluttons for punishment, we`re due to get the tent out again. :)
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