Christmas? Check.
Hogmanay? Check.
Traditional January trip down south? Check.
Walks around the beautiful Cotswolds? Check.
Back to work? Check.
Back to walks? Check.
(i) round the block at lunchtime from work on a quite stunning, mild, spring-like, bird-tweeting, sparkly sort of day,prompting slight detour to get best views:
(ii)round the woods this afternoon on another springlike day, the sun with real warmth in it, the kind of light that enhances the lichens and throws shadow bars across the path......
....and in New Year`s Eve Resolutions update: the French is going well and I am somehow delighted to learn the word for rear-view mirror is, apparently, retroviseur. Of course it is. :) Juggling not going so well....perhaps as someone suggested I should try doing it in French. All other resolutions on track.
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