Wednesday 21 December 2016

Wednesday 21.12.2016

Thought we might have left it a tad late, setting off at quarter to three, up the road into a bitter wind and the sun just disappearing behind the trees.
In the woods though, as so often, a different world, sheltered and calm, just the tops of the trees catching the wind and coveys of pheasants taunting Dog 2 while Dog 1 looked on sceptically, though even she was tempted to chase after the deer that jumped out in front of us.

And by the time we emerged, turning down the road towards home, the wind had dropped,the sky was clear,the temperature had plummeted and in the fading light it definitely felt like the first day of winter: no feasts, no sacrifices,no dancing naked round standing stones (in these temperatures?!) but we have got the Christmas Tree in and decorated, keeping the dark at bay. :)

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