Monday, 4 May 2015

Monday 04.05.2015

Another day, another planet though we may have had the best of it already. Still a strong cool breeze when we set off but at least a Southerly rather than yesterday`s mind-numbing Easterly. Rain-washed sky and Persil-white clouds, we took the longer route again the sun turning the `thinking stone` spot into an inviting little glade which would make a good picnic spot.

However on this occasion we pressed on, got a bit lost in the "impenetrable forest" :) but kept walking uphill and eventually emerged into the sunshine again. Birds in full-throat celebrating the improved weather, the larks in particular making up for lost time.

But as we turned for home those brilliant white clouds were beginning to bank up and turn a little greyer, the wind was getting stronger so there`s already another change in the air.......

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