Impressions of the last fortnight: plenty more walking in Spring sunshine, a persistent cold wind but beautiful light

long shadows
and the coos are oot!
The in-between weekend it was pounding the streets of Glasgow, a brilliant Katzenjammer gig at Oran Mor and 8 of us for breakfast on the Sunday morning, more or less monopolizing the small but excellent Great Western Cafe - all day breakfast for a fiver and the friendly staff couldn`t have been more accommodating. Then more street-pounding to our Oxfam training - have I mentioned Oxfam Stewarding? :) - before a damp final walk to the bus station (via the Subway of course.)
Yesterday after a flat out week working and taking walks where we could we made it up Bennachie for the first time in a while: warm in the sun but still that cool wind, for which in fact we were grateful as we clambered upwards.

Worth it as always at the top - really clear, the sea in one direction and the mountains in the other
And then this morning, more beautiful light
and a sky full of clouds, drifting and shifting (and you don`t
have to be a member of the Cloud Appreciation Society them).