Saturday, 11 April 2015

Saturday 11.04.2015

Lot more walking than writing just lately.....a week down south affording the opportunity to pound the streets and hills and parks of Bristol

and wander through the woods of the Gloucestershire Cotswolds in the (relatively)early morning, the paths meandering into the slightly hazy distance and a distinct sense of battle commenced: the wild garlic attempting to smother the emerging violets and aconites while overhead the birds are in full throat, warning each other of boundaries drawn.

Return to a cottage and garden by now bathed in warm sunshine and domestic bliss as we gather amongst the daffodils and primroses for Easter egg hunts and taking it turns to entertain one mega-cute baby........not to mention consumption of the excellent and very generous victuals supplied by A & T (thank you!)

(This furlough also means more reading time - halfway through Michael Faber`s The Book Of Strange New Things. Intriguing, strange but quite believable because so well written - is rapidly acquiring can`t-put-it-down status.)

1 comment:

  1. Missing you already! Glad you were here for the daffodils, Easter egg hunt and simnel cake. Sorry you have gone before the narcissi and apple blossoms are in full bloom. Thanks for coming all this way and safe journey home. See you in August! Axx
