mutability in life or nature (especially successive alternation from one condition to another)
So there`s been all the uplifting experiences in Zambia tempered by the sadness of having to leave; there`s been a funeral tempered by the knowledge that at least the death meant an end to pain; and there`s been the inevitable sorrow tempered by the comfort and company of family and friends and the lovely tributes paid.
To repeat: life eh?
And in between there`s been walks in Middle England in the Merry Month of May - all wild garlic and bluebells
shade and shadow
and magnificent trees
There were some pretty amazing trees in Zambia but maybe nothing quite so heart-soaring as an ancient beech tree in all its Spring finery.
So onwards and upwards: and the quote for the day - lifted from Nietzsche via the Independent so can`t vouch for its authenticity but it`ll do for now:
"without music life would be a mistake"
Well quite.
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