Sunday, 24 February 2013

Wednesday 20.02.2013

Little to recommend this morning it seemed: grey, damp, freezing wind...but hey...went anyway...overtrousers, gloves, two hats plus W.I.H.

Walked very fast and soon in the woods, panting ever so slightly but glowing warmly.

The exposed hilltop still a sea of snow, ebbing away a little each day but frozen enough to skip across without sinking too deep.

Just as grey and damp in the woods at first though with a slightly less freezing wind (two hats off but W.H.I. kept in place to cover the ears) and then suddenly the slightly startling sight of new growth on the softwoods

and, as we rounded a bend, a patch of blue sky.

And as we returned, a watery sun made a brave attempt to break through the grey while the gates serendaded us back down the hill with an atmospheric wind concerto.

So today`s motto: go long as you`ve enough hats.

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