Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Tuesday 11.09.2012

Felt like a long day at work after a late, adrenalin-fuelled night (OK - only lying in bed, listening to Andy`s win but it was exhausting!) but revived by a scramble round the woods embarked on before I had time to change my mind and sink into an armchair.

Temperature plummeted in the cold, cold wind but gleaming evening light,a rainbow, bright blue busy sky full of white, grey and black clouds doing a bit of scudding, and the first sound of migrating geese....
And in the dusk as we returned, flocks of noisy crows heading back belatedly to their roosts - an almost wintry sight.......


  1. Hi Sue, Fran here. Nominated you for a blogging award thing http://crymamma.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/liebster-award.html

  2. Whoah! Saw you'd done J's which I thought a very good idea.You are most kind! In deepest darkest Oxfordshire just now and impressing myself by writing this on a fancy phone but will follow this up once I'm back. J&C's does make good reading doesn't it?

  3. Whoah! Saw you'd done J's which I thought a very good idea.You are most kind! In deepest darkest Oxfordshire just now and impressing myself by writing this on a fancy phone but will follow this up once I'm back. J&C's does make good reading doesn't it?

  4. Not that impressive if I manage to post the same thing twice. Duh!
