Saturday 3 December 2011

Saturday 3.12.2011

The "Winter - bring it on" theme continues: bitter wind blowing across a bright blue backdrop framed by mountainous white clouds and then there`s a scene shift and it`s fierce sleety showers out of a suddenly black sky.
Into the teeth of the wind up the hill in one of the sunny intervals but less of a battle once in the woods where the dogs scattered chasing every leaf and moving creature. Dog 2 still thinks she might catch a deer: Dog 1 knows better and I could swear turned to look back at me with raised eyebrows and a knowing shake of the head. (Me? Anthropomorphise? Never.)

Legs took me further than I`d intended - it was too good to waste the light.

Gaggles of geese noisy overhead,

the sky rapidly darkening as the waxing moon appeared above the trees and we were blown back down the hill.

Home to shower, consume toasted crumpets, honey and hot tea and back to the Christmas cards. Not a bad way to spend a December Saturday.

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