Last Monday to Edinburgh where it rained and rained and rained and was still raining as we came back up the road on Tuesday.
Since then it`s been bright skies, sunny but cold with patches of snow still lying in the corners of fields.
So variety definitely the spice etc and that goes for the week`s entertainment: the brilliant Gogol Bordello on Monday night and Mark Steel on Thursday back in Aberdeen. In fact come to think of it, variety/diversity the theme of the week - Gogol has the most amazing list of recommended music from all over the world on their website and their own style is a fantastic mish-mash of styles and provenance.
And Mark Steel ranted wonderfully about the soullessness of corporate, call-centre life, winkling out stories of eccentricities
(cue Thesaurus: aberration, abnormality, anomaly, caprice, capriciousness, foible, freakishness, hereticism, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, irregularity, kink, nonconformity, oddity, oddness, outlandishness, peculiarity, queerness, quirk, singularity, strangeness, unconventionality, unorthodoxness, waywardness, weirdness, whimsicality, whimsicalness)in the towns and cities he`s visiting on his tour.
Read the articles on his website for v. funny commentaries on life/politics - oh and the pain of being an English cricket nut.
So, much pounding of city streets which does have its own charms but then back to the woods which were all warm sunny glades, babbling brooks, busy crows/rooks and loud birdsong.

Heard then saw the first peewit of the spring on Wednesday - a cause for muted celebration: I don`t remember any at all last year as against the large flocks of them when we first arrived twenty odd years ago. Not much has changed agriculturally round here so is it something that happens to them during their winter - and where do they go in the winter anyway?
And the camera`s coming on a treat - fewer `pixies` than the last one but for £12.49 from ebay it`ll do for now.

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