Saturday, 21 August 2010

Saturday 21.08.2010

Three days off in a row but no walking, unless you count between the currant bushes and the stove. Purple hands and mouth, will have to make bread now.....stunningly clear, cool, still evening after a blustery warm day.......and a Harvest Moon to boot.


  1. What a fabulous crop! I'm so jealous! None of my garden plants cropped more than around three berries this year. Luckily the hedgerow didn't disappoint!

  2. And these are ancient bushes which weren`t pruned this year. Reinforces my theory that a bit of benevolent neglect can work wonders - and not just for blackcurrant bushes.

  3. I don't think the brambles here have ever been cropped back and they're going absolutely mental! It's brilliant! I think your neglect theory has merit!
