Thursday, 20 May 2010

Thursday 20.05.2010

Dog and I set off at quarter to nine this evening, plenty of daylight left, a refreshing breeze after another warm day and the evening chorus well under way. Wish I was better at picking out individual songs and calls but recognised lark, chaffinch and blackbird. Rabbits, hares and deer scampering all over the place, giving dog a run for her money.
Young bullocks lumbered along the fenceline of an adjacent field, eyeing us with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity until, having decided with much snorting and head shaking that we weren`t worth bothering with,they kicked up their heels and disappeared in the opposite direction. Their exuberance when they first get put out onto the new grass is always infectious.

Got out of work earlier than expected this afternoon so having stopped at the garage for fuel, treated myself to a massive choc ice, parked under a tree in a handy layby, wound down the car windows to let in the fresh air and finished the last twenty pages of my book.* A very good way to end a hot working day in a stuffy building.

*Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
A novel about women`s lives in 19th century rural China.

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