Bob Harris is working his way through the A-Z of AOR (Album - or Adult if you prefer - Orientated Rock to the unitiated which included me until about ten seconds ago) but so far absolutely living up to its tag of "the ultimate rock radio playlist": one fantastic track after another. And there`s 6 episodes.*
A couple of hours between shifts today so dog and I headed for the hills. Last week`s blizzards a distant memory: this was all dappled shade and babbling brooks, elves rather than orcs - even picnickers. Overtook an enthusiastic and extremely friendly Chinese gentleman carrying his bike up to the top, presumably so he could cycle back down though I hope he took a smoother route: with the snow gone we were back to cathedral steps in places, which would make for uncomfortable riding.
*(Radio 2 Wednesday 22.00 - 23.00)
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