So today I tidied a beach. As you do. Not my intention as we set off to "our" beach, a small cove on the Moray Firth we`ve been going to for years. Can get quite busy in the summer but often there`s no-one about and so it proved on this breezy Spring day.
While the others ambled about with dog in tow, clambering over rocks and taking photos I idly started picking up the odd bit of rubbish near to where we`d sat down. And then I couldn`t stop. There was so much of the stuff: beer cans and bottles, plastic string, disposable (ha!) barbecues, bottles of ketchup, carrier bags, one bright orange inflatable, uninflated and wrapped round a small tree,plastic bottles and bottle tops (millions of them),two china plates,plastic feed sacks,labels with foreign writing on them that presumably had washed up on the went on and on. In the event I filled four and a half large black bin bags with the stuff and carried them up to the wheelie bins in the car park at the top of the headland. It sounds like hard work but was all done at a steady meandering sort of pace, looking up a lot to admire the view, sniff the air and watch the birds. And it was hugely pleasing to see how much better the place looked when we left. There was also masses of driftwood so we had a very satisfactory fire. There are many worse ways to spend a day....
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