Looking back at that last post, hadn`t realised that was probably the best it was going to get. Maybe that`s an exaggeration but there does seem to have been an overwhelming amount of damp, dreich and seriously wet weather over the last few weeks.
And yet, and yet, it seems to depend where you are on this green and pleasant land (at least the rain keeps it green).
Back last month the Cotswolds offered up a few days of warmth and good walking weather, footpaths wandering through yet-to-ripen wheat and barley fields, at their most photogenic in some ways.On to Glastonbury with its usual mix of thronging crowds and peaceful oases, big names on the Pyramid stage, blasts from the past at smaller venues (Lulu and Judy Collins both smashing it at their respective sessions) and simply wandering about and stumbling on unexpected gems, bearing in mind lessons learnt about not trying to walk too far in what was in fact several days of hot dry weather.
And lo and behold, that heat and sun had done its work back on those same fields which were now, mostly, golden.

then `touching base` with the youngest member of the clan before arriving back to wilder landscapes......and quite a lot more of that rain.